Bar Cart Must-Haves

I love my bar cart - she’s a basic bitch, but she’s always down for a wine night, always has what I need, and will follow me from apartment to apartment because she’s a staple in my life. Not to mention, she’s a cutie.

I remember when I was browsing carts online, I was so excited because Pinterest filled my mind with so many ideas. But once I got the cart in my living room I was completely overwhelmed. If you’re in a similar boat, here are my five bar cart must-haves that will turn it into your insta cocktail cart dreams.

The Cart

I know you can get all types of dainty glass and metal carts, but I was very interested into something a bit bigger, with more utility. I bought the IKEA rolling kitchen cart, complete with chopping block top and stainless steel shelves. I love this one because I can cut limes on top and if anything spills, the shelves are steel and can be wiped clean.

I like the idea of having a utility cart instead of just something to hold spirits and glasses that you have to take to the kitchen anyways to mix and add ingredients to.

They stopped selling the exact one, but I found something very similar on Wayfair for $160.

Wine Holder

I love an odd wine holder. Maybe it’s because I only buy wine bottles to look cute then actually keep a box of wine in my fridge to drink… who knows.

Here’s a rather expensive one that I love: Small Brighton Wine Holder.

Or, you can always visit target and grab a wood or wire one for less than $20.


Of course, it’s time for plants, everything needs plants. My only big tip here is to pick a color scheme for your pots, and stick to it. I went with terracotta, white and black to keep it simple and easy.

I also recommend keeping plants on all levels, even if that means you have to buy a fake one for the bottom if no light shines there.

Glasses & Shakers

Ok, hear me out. Olivia Pop from Scandal had the best wine glasses in the world and nothing will ever come close. HOWEVER - I have a pitbull and his big butt knocks off every stemmed wine glass from the coffee table. So, I’ve switched to cheap wine glasses after several casualties. I’ll link the Olivia Pope glasses, which is what I’d recommend to anyone. But also remember if you have a dog with a big butt, you can always head to Bed Bath and Beyond and grab some $5 glasses.

Oh! And shakers, GET A SHAKER THAT IS GOOD. I have a Kate Spade shaker for aesthetics and every time I use it I get drenched in alcohol. I’d recommend using a real bartenders shaker, like this one.


Small prints are probably the easiest thing to source. I have a letter board and a typewriter print on mine, but choose whatever suits you! The only rule to follow? Don’t use pictures of yourself or family photos - the bar cart is supposed to teleport you to your favorite bar, not your bedroom. So pick a print you’d find at your favorite local spot.

Do you have a bar cart? What’s her name? Tell me all about your favorite bar cart in the comments below!